Photography Masterclass is Now Online!

My new online photography course Photography Masterclass is meant for the person who just got a DSLR, is about to get one, or has had one for a while but never took the time to thoroughly master it to the professional level.

The course contains 26 videos (11 hours total), an equipment guide, and bonuses.

If you know nothing about photography but want to get up-to-date to the pro level as quickly as possible, this is for you.

Photography Masterclass is broken up into four modules:

  1. Mastering Your DSLR Camera (Mastering Exposure, Aperture, Shutter Speed, ISO, White Balance, Focus, Exposure Compensation, Shooting Modes, Flash Modes, Focusing Modes, etc.)
  2. Photography Equipment (DSLR Camera Bodies, Lenses, Lighting Equipment, Accessories)
  3. Composition and Light (Rule of Thirds, Leading Lines, Psychological Triggers, Lighting Set-Ups)
  4. Post-Production (Developing images in Adobe Lightroom and editing in Adobe Photoshop)

After watching the videos, you will feel confident taking pictures with your camera regardless of the situation you are in (whether it is low-light situation, a weird colored situation, etc.) and regardless of the subject matter (whether you are taking pictures of a something moving, still-life, landscapes, people, close-ups, etc.)

The course also has a 60-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee. If you aren’t satisfied in the least bit for any reason, just email me and you will receive a full refund, no questions asked.

For more information, check it out here:

Photography Masterclass by Evan Sharboneau

About PhotoExtremist

Trick Photography
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